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Version History & Changelog

Here you can find the latest version releases for our products.

Version History & Changelog

Inout Dropshipping 1.3 - Minor Release
Release Date
03 April 2024

Inout Dropshipping 1.3 version has been released

1. Notification feature added in seller, user, admin section.

2. Vendor rating system added for users.

3. Minor tweaks done to improve the user experience throughout the script.

4. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout Dropshipping 1.2 - Minor Release
Release Date
26 March 2024

Inout Dropshipping 1.2 version has been released

1. Colour picker added in add/edit product section.

2. More email notifications added for seller.

3. Several tweaks done to improve the user experience throughout the script.

4. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout Dropshipping 1.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
11 March 2024

Inout Dropshipping 1.1 version has been released

1. User Interface related minor modifications done in landing page for users.

2. Several tweaks done in admin area to improve the user experience related to add and edit products.
Inout Dropshipping 1.0 - Major Release
Release Date
07 March 2024

New script - Inout Dropshipping - has been released. Premium e-commerce Script.

1. Focus on growing your business rather than managing the day-to-day logistics of fulfilling orders.

2. Admin can add product, sellers/vendors can request to sell the product and admin can approve it. Once approved users can purchase the product.

3. A single product can be requested to sell by multiple sellers/vendors

4. Admin can set a seller/vendor globally as a default seller/vendor by choosing the seller/vendor from a drop down or can set a seller/vendor as default whose products is most purchased.

5. Inout Dropshipping has a simple and elegant dashboard for admin and sellers/vendors that has all the important informations related to products, product sales etc.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.5 - Minor Release
Release Date
22 November 2023

Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.5 version has been released

1. Compatibility built for ImageCrawler addon script.

2. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout Jobs Portal 2.2.3 - Patch Release
Release Date
15 November 2023

Inout Jobs Portal 2.2.3 patch version has been released

1. Some minor issues has been fixed.
Inout Custom Exchanger 1.0 - Major Release
Release Date
15 November 2023

New script - Inout Custom Exchanger - has been released. Premium and Secure Online Item Exchange Service Script.

1. Inout Custom Exchanger: Elevate your online trading experience with a secure platform for exchanging items with fiat currencies.

2. User-Friendly Trading: Streamlined processes for effortless buying and selling of items.

3. High-Security Measures: Two-factor authentication and IP-level security to ensure a safe trading environment.

4. Automatic Price Calculation: Smart pricing system for real-time market rates and comprehensive reporting for informed decision-making.

5. Live Trading Platform: Immerse yourself in a dynamic and visually appealing trading experience.
Inout Money Exchanger Engine 1.0 - Major Release
Release Date
10 November 2023

New script - Inout Money Exchanger Engine - has been released. Premium and Secure Online Money Exchange Service Script.

1. Inout Money Exchanger Engine: Your Trusted Online Platform for Fiat-to-Fiat Currency Exchange.

2. Simplified Trading Experience: Streamlines the buying and selling of commodities.

3. High-security measures, including two-factor authentication and IP-level security.

4. Live trading platform with an attractive and user-friendly design.
Inout Commodity Exchanger 1.0 - Major Release
Release Date
01 November 2023

New script - Inout Commodity Exchanger - has been released. Premium and Secure Online Commodity Exchange Service Script.

1. Inout Commodity Exchanger: A secure online platform for trading commodities with fiat currencies.

2. User-Friendly Trading Experience: Simplifies buying and selling processes for commodities.

3. High-security measures, including two-factor authentication and IP-level security.

4. Automatic price calculation and detailed reporting for informed decision-making.

5. Live trading platform with an attractive and user-friendly design.
Inout Adserver 8.0 - Major Release
Release Date
20 October 2023

Inout Adserver 8.0 main version has been released.

1. Browser Targeting PPC Ads- Latest edition allows advertisers to choose the browser in which you want your ppc ad to be shown. Advetisers may choose the browser while adding the ppc ad so that the ppc ad will be shown only on the mapped browser.

2. New Statistics Layout- Latest edition gives you a new layout of click,impression statistics in advertiser,publisher and admin area.

3. PPC Ad Search- Latest edition allows you to search ppc ads by name in manage ppc ads page in advertiser and admin area.

4. Some minor issues has been fixed.
Inout Music 5.1.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
19 October 2023

Inout Music 5.1.2 patch version has been released

1. Some minor issues has been fixed.

2. Minor design related tweaks done.

Inout Search Engine AI Edition 1.0.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
17 October 2023

Inout Search Engine AI Edition 1.0.2 patch version has been released

1. Small tweaks done in search mechanism.

2. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout Search Engine 10.1.4 - Minor Release
Release Date
17 October 2023

Inout Search Engine 10.1.4 patch version has been released

1.Some minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout Search Engine AI Edition 1.0.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
02 May 2023

Inout Search Engine AI Edition 1.0.1 patch version has been released

1. Responsive design related tweaks done.

2. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.4.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
18 March 2023

Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.4.2 patch version has been released

1. Optimisations done in crawling mechanism.

2. Optimisations done in searching mechanism.

3. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout Search Engine AI Edition 1.0 - Major Release
Release Date
08 March 2023

New script - Inout Search Engine AI Edition - has been released. Premium AI Powered Search Engine Script.

1. OpenAI API Based AI Technology Integrated in Inout Search Engine.

2. AI quick answer for the keywords used in web search.

3. AI detailed answer for the keywords used in web search.

4. AI summary of top 10 search results for the keywords used in web search.

5. AI summary for each results for the keywords used in web search.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.4.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
04 January 2023

Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.4.1 patch version has been released

1. Design related tweaks done in admin side.

2. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.4 - Minor Release
Release Date
19 December 2022

Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.4 version has been released

1. Compatibility built for NewsCrawler addon script.

2. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.3 - Minor Release
Release Date
13 December 2022

Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.3 version has been released

1. Added a new feature that will indicate the reason for error, if a page/domain fails to crawl for some reason.

2. Additional feature to allow the bots to follow some (not all) directives of robots.txt (if available) file of the domain.

3. Tweaks done to speed up crawling.

4. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.2 - Minor Release
Release Date
01 December 2022

Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.2 version has been released

1. Incorporated a new feature of adding page urls from admin side.

2. Tweaks done to speed up results fetching.

3. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
28 November 2022

Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.1 version has been released

1. User Interface related minor modifications done in admin side.

2. Several tweaks done to improve crawling.

3. Minor bugs have been fixed.
Inout WebCrawler Plus 1.0 - Major Release
Release Date
24 November 2022

New script - Inout WebCrawler Plus - has been released. This powerful script is built on MongoDB and Apache Solr.

1. Inout WebCrawler Plus is a data crawling and web spider script designed for small/medium sized search engines.

2. Inout WebCrawler Plus is capable of crawling and indexing large amounts of data and run queries with high speed and great accuracy.

3. Inout WebCrawler Plus is a powerful script built on MongoDB and Apache Solr.

4. Inout WebCrawler Plus provides search results as XML instead of HTML results. It gives you great flexibility over the results.

5. Inout WebCrawler Plus helps you to authorize/sell search data access to external parties.
Inout Blockchain AltExchanger 2.0 - Major Release
Release Date
21 November 2022

Inout Blockchain AltExchanger 2.0 main version has been released

1. Additional 227 cryptocurrencies added and thus supports 237 cryptocurrencies such as Dash,Cardano,Tether etc.

2. Lock based transactions integrated to make efficiency and effectiveness in trades.

3. Bug fixes are updated.
Inout Blockchain FiatExchanger 3.0 - Major Release
Release Date
21 November 2022

Inout Blockchain FiatExchanger 3.0 main version has been released

1. Theme and home page design improvements

2. Additional 227 cryptocurrencies added and thus supports 237 cryptocurrencies such as Dash,Cardano,Tether etc.

3. Lock based transactions integrated to make efficiency and effectiveness in trades.

4. Bug fixes are updated.
Inout Webmail 5.1.3 - Patch Release
Release Date
04 November 2022

Inout Webmail 5.1.3 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.
Inout Search Engine 10.1.3 - Patch Release
Release Date
26 October 2022

Inout Search Engine 10.1.3 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.

2. User experience related minor bugs have been fixed.

Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.3 - Patch Release
Release Date
17 September 2022

Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.3 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.
Inout RealEstate 2.1.3 - Patch Release
Release Date
22 August 2022

Inout RealEstate 2.1.3 patch version has been released

1. Some minor issues has been fixed.
Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
02 July 2022

Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.2 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.
Inout Jobs Portal 2.2.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
24 June 2022

Inout Jobs Portal 2.2.2 patch version has been released

1. Some minor modifications in user interface has been done.

2. Some minor issues has been fixed.
Inout Search Engine 10.1.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
23 May 2022

Inout Search Engine 10.1.2 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.

2. User experience related minor bugs have been fixed.

Inout Webmail 5.1.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
05 April 2022

Inout Webmail 5.1.2 patch version has been released

1. Some minor issues has been fixed.
Inout RealEstate 2.1.2 - Patch Release
Release Date
05 March 2022

Inout RealEstate 2.1.2 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.

2. User experience related minor bugs have been fixed.

3. Some minor modifications have been done in installation internally.
Inout Email Marketer 7.1.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
08 February 2022

Inout Email Marketer 7.1.1 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.
Inout Search Engine 10.1.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
04 February 2022

Inout Search Engine 10.1.1 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.
Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
29 January 2022

Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.1 patch version has been released

1. Some minor issues have been fixed.
Inout Webmail 5.1.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
17 January 2022

Inout Webmail 5.1.1 patch version has been released

1. Some minor tweaks and modifications done.
Inout Music 5.1.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
15 December 2021

Inout Music 5.1.1 patch version has been released

1. Some minor issues has been fixed.
Inout Jobs Portal 2.2.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
10 December 2021

Inout Jobs Portal 2.2.1 patch version has been released

1. Some minor issues has been fixed.
Inout Search Engine 10.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
06 January 2021

Inout Search Engine version 10.1 has been released with some performance improvements and bug fixes.

1. Search results speed have been improved.

2. Some minor issues have been fixed.
Inout SiteSearch 2.0.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
31 December 2020

Inout SiteSearch version 2.0.1 has been released with some feature improvements and bug fixes.

1. A new feature added to try search and view results as like widget in admin panel itself.

2. Some minor issues have been fixed.
Inout SiteSearch 2.0 - Major Release
Release Date
23 December 2020

New script - Inout SiteSearch - has been released. This is a script designed to add flexible to allow integration to any of your websites.

The redeveloped new Inout SiteSearch script has been released. This is a script designed to easily add search feature (to search within your site) to your website. The script is very much different and improved from its older siblings (1.x versions)
Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2 - Minor Release
Release Date
21 November 2020

Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart version 3.2 has been released with some feature improvements related to seller area and some bug fixes.

1. Easier seller profile registration without going through the upgrade process.

2. Attractive email template designs.

3. Some minor modifications and many bug fixes.
Inout Homestay 2.2 - Minor Release
Release Date
20 November 2020

Inout Homestay version 2.2 has been released with feature improvements, UI changes etc.

1. Some of the icons in listing area have been replaced with new ones.

2. Implemented additional security measures in 'change password' section.

3. Sorting technique have been modified in the payment, withdrawal sections in admin area.

4. UI related minor issues have been fixed.

5. Better colour combinations have been used in some areas with respect to user preference.
Inout RealEstate 2.1.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
20 November 2020

Inout RealEstate version 2.1.1 has been released with some feature improvements and bug fixes.

1. Sorting technique have been modified in the payment, withdrawal sections in admin area.

2. Implemented additional security measures in 'change password' section.

3. UI related minor bugs are fixed.
Inout Adserver 7.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
20 November 2020

Inout Adserver version 7.1 has been released with some feature improvements and bug fixes.

1. Some minor issues related with ad display have been fixed.

2. Announcement display area for both advertiser and publisher have been modified.

3. Some minor adjustments made with respect to user preference.
Inout Webmail 5.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
19 November 2020

Inout Webmail version 5.1 has been released with some user experience related improvements and improved usability.

1. Users will be receiving emails when admin creates them.

2. Username availability check while registering is now more easier.

3. User experience related minor bugs have been fixed.

4. Minor changes in layout in various pages in the script has been done.

5. New Inout Webmail iOS App Addon is made compatible with Inout Webmail.

6. New Inout Webmail Android App Addon is made compatible with Inout Webmail.
Inout Email Marketer 7.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
19 November 2020

Inout Email Marketer version 7.1 has been released with minor changes in email campaign statistics section along with some fixes in layout.

1. Some minor tweaks in email campaign statistics has been done.

2. Small tweaks have been done is email listing, campaign sections in order to improve user experience.

3. Minor changes in layout in various pages in the script has been done.

4. Inout Email Marketer iOS App Addon is compatible with Inout Email Marketer.
Inout Struct 1.0 - Major Release
Release Date
19 November 2020

New script - Inout Struct - has been released. This is a foundation script (a template like system) to help you build large web applications.

1. Inout Struct can be used as a pre-built structure/platform on top a business idea can be implemented easily.

2. This script gives you a great foundation structure for admin area, member area, and public area.

3. This script has security features such as google recaptcha, Google Authenticator (for 2 FA).

4. Multilingual support.

5. Many essential features that every web application need are inbuilt in the script.
Inout Jobs Portal 2.2 - Minor Release
Release Date
16 November 2020

Inout Jobs Portal version 2.2 has been released with a new looking user registration/login statistics section in admin area along with some other fixes in the layout section.

1. User registration/login statistics section in admin area comes up with a new look.

2. Character encoding related issues have been fixed.

3. User experience related minor bugs have been fixed.

4. Inout Jobs Portal Android App Addon is compatible with Inout Jobs Portal.
Inout Search Engine 10.0 - Major Release
Release Date
31 October 2020

Inout Search Engine version 10.0 has been released.

1. Latest version comes with most creative and eye catching themes that have some of the best designing components.

2. Cache storage improved.

3. New add on named Big Cache is developed along with the new version.

4. Various feature improvements and bug fixes.
Inout Email Marketer 7.0 - Major Release
Release Date
30 October 2020

Inout Email Marketer version 7.0 has been released with an improved layout.

1. Latest version brings you an elegant layout which gives you a better and improved interface to work on.

2. Gain quick and easy access onto Email Marketer while on the go. The responsive design will fill any screen mobile or tablet.

3. Latest version allows admin to explore a new dashboard in our script. A new look dashboard is available which gives you a brief idea on campaigns in our script.

4. Various feature improvements and bug fixes.
Inout Music 5.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
30 October 2020

Inout Music version 5.1 has been released with additional features to enhance user experience.

1. Bug fixing related to the removal of restriction for adding ungrouped audio or video tracks.

2. Option for the admin to configure and manage mobile app related data.

3. Option to showcase the mobile app link on home page.

4. Detailed statistics for artists.

5. Improved track browsing feature.

6. Various other minor feature improvements and bug fixes.
Inout Jobs Portal 2.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
19 October 2020

Inout Jobs Portal version 2.1 has been released with some minor tweaks which will enhance user experience.

1. User experience related minor bugs have been fixed.

2. Minor changes in layout in various pages in the script has been done.
Inout Homestay 2.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
09 October 2020

Inout Homestay version 2.1 has been released with some minor tweaks which will enhance user experience.

1. Inout Homestay coupon section is extended furthermore. Now Admin can create coupons per listings as well.

2. Additional email notifications will be sent while admin adds funds to user account, when user cancels a reservation request etc.
Inout RealEstate 2.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
09 October 2020

Inout RealEstate version 2.1 has been released with some minor tweaks which will enhance user experience.

1. User experience related minor bugs have been fixed.

2. Minor changes in the alignment of fields in various pages in the script has been done.
Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.1 - Minor Release
Release Date
07 August 2020

Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart version 3.1 has been released with some minor tweaks which will enhance user experience.

1. User experience related minor bugs has been fixed.

2. Minor changes in layout in various pages in the script has been done.
Inout Webmail 5.0 - Major Release
Release Date
10 July 2020

Inout Webmail version 5.0 has been released with an improved layout.

1. Latest version brings you an elegant layout which gives you a better and improved interface to work on.

2. Mobile Interface comes with an improved layout specifically designed for mobile devices. Gain quick and easy access onto your email while on the go. The responsive design will fill any screen mobile or tablet.

3. Admin can configure SMTP details if required, which will allow users to send emails by using the SMTP details configured.
Inout Blockchain Multi-Interfacer Core 1.0.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
23 June 2020

Inout Blockchain Multi-Interfacer Core 1.0.1 patch version has been released

1. Minor changes in connection with automatic deposit address creation.
Inout Blockchain EasyPayments 1.0.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
22 June 2020

Inout Blockchain EasyPayments 1.0.1 patch version has been released

1. Minor changes in connection with automatic deposit address creation.
Inout Blockchain AltExchanger 1.2.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
19 June 2020

Inout Blockchain AltExchanger 1.2.1 patch version has been released

1. Minor changes in connection with automatic deposit address creation.
Inout Blockchain FiatExchanger 2.2.1 - Patch Release
Release Date
18 June 2020

Inout Blockchain FiatExchanger 2.2.1 patch version has been released

1. Minor changes in connection with automatic deposit address creation.
Inout RealEstate 2.0 - Major Release
Release Date
04 June 2020

Inout RealEstate version 2.0 has been released with an elegant layout in responsive manner.

1. Latest version brings you an elegant layout in a responsive manner which allows you to experience the software in all devices along with the desktop view.

2. Latest version allows users to explore a new dashboard designed only for agents in our script. A separate Agent Dashboard is available for all agents which makes things easier for agents.

3.Two way live chat between list owners/agents and users. Users can chat with list owners/agents about list details through this feature. A smooth way to have a relationship with each other and to sort out the queries on the properties.
Inout Music 5.0 - Major Release
Release Date
21 May 2020

Inout Music version 5.0 has been released with an improved layout in responsive manner.

1. The existing login page for the users will be modified by including the facebook, twitter and google login.

2. You can manage all site contents like site title, meta keywords etc from admin side.

3. Including a Follow button on an artist profile page, enables a visitor to click it and follow the corresponding artist, when users add album and tracks of corresponding artists, the following users get notification either in their inbox or via mail (Decided by admin, admin has the privilege to enable or disable those options).
Inout Jobs Portal 2.0 - Major Release
Release Date
02 May 2020

Inout Jobs Portal version 2.0 has been released with an elegant layout in responsive manner.

1. Latest edition brings you an elegant layout in a responsive manner which allows you to experience the software in all devices along with the desktop view.

2. Jobseekers can be allowed to post reviews and ratings about companies which gives you a complete idea about the reputation of the companies.

3. Jobseekers will be notified about all their related jobs through emails in a periodic fashion.
Inout Homestay 2.0 - Major Release
Release Date
07 April 2020

Inout Homestay version 2.0 has been released which includes attractive features such as live Chat, trip notifications etc.

1. A two way live chat between property owners and users has been integrated. Users can chat with property owners about property details through this feature.

2. Users who have booked trips will be notified periodically through emails and notifications. Search, find, book, relax. You will be notified periodically about your trips.

3. Users can see all their bookings whether confirmed or completed from their account area in the form of a traditional Calendar. You can go to previous days, months, years as well as future dates. A graphical representation to your booking history.
Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.0 - Major Release
Release Date
13 February 2020

Inout Shopping Cart version 3.0 has been released with an elegant layout in responsive manner.

1. Mobile ready design allows your site visitors to comfortably browse from any device. Inout Shopping cart adapts its layout to any screen size or device.

2. Administrators and vendor can add protection plan to products and users can replace the products from corresponding vendor shop if that product is damaged.

3. Administrators and vendors can add tax percentage to the invoice and customized rates split by area.
Version change details prior to January 1st, 2020 are not included in this page.
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