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QS RealEstate is an easy, flexible and simple property management solution ideal for business start-ups, property websites of newspapers etc that provides a common roof for buyers, sellers, renters and agents. Our Script can hold any number of users, their listings and agents. We have designed the script with focus on providing the business owner a clean & consistent revenue generation from multiple resources thus ensuring a strong growth of your business.

Price starts from: USD 499

Improved layout in responsive nature

Latest version brings you an elegant layout in a responsive manner which allows you to experience the software in all devices along with the desktop view.

Agent Dashboard

Latest version allows users to explore a new dashboard designed only for agents in our script. A separate Agent Dashboard is available for all agents which makes things easier for agents.

Easy Chat

Two way live chat between list owners/agents and users. Users can chat with list owners/agents about list details through this feature. A smooth way to have a relationship with each other and to sort out the queries on the properties.

Unlimited Users/Listings

QS RealEstate supports unlimited number of users/agents and listings. With no limits on listings or registered users, revenue possibilities have no cap.

Sell/Rent/Lease Properties, Apartments, Villas, Lands etc

QS RealEstate helps your users to showcase their properties, apartments, villas and lands either to sell or rent or lease it. Buyers can easily search and find the matching listings for their requirements.

Direct or Agent Based Business Platform

Agents are very important for real estate dealings. We understand that and has given premium features for agents to work along with both the buyers and the sellers to help each one of them for closing the sale of the property. Your agents will love to use your service powered by QS RealEstate.

Mobile Ready (Responsive) Web Design

List properties and sell them on any device. QS RealEstatescript is designed to operate on all mobile devices including android phones, iphone, windows phones and various tablet computers. All you need is a mobile browser for your mobile device.

Effortless, Efficient & Secure

QS RealEstate is an efficiently designed software that meets all the general requirements of your users and facilitates with an effortless and easy showcasing of their properties. Buyers can effortlessly search for their dream properties and they will get all the details about the property with ease. Interested buyers can contact assigned agents/owner of the property directly via Email.

Multiple Revenue Sources

Business owner can earn revenue from multiple resources. Revenue generation from QS RealEstate includes Featured Listing Payments, Premium Agent Payments, Listing Extension Payments and Revenue from Ads. Each of these payments are entirely configurable and can bring your business a consistent revenue.

Powerful Dashboard

QS RealEstate comes with an elegant and powerful dashboard. It is an ultimate control centre page with real time user interface, containing all the relevant information you need to know at a single glance. You will never miss an event with this attractive, yet simple dashboard.

Quick Analysis with Integrated Calculators (Mortgage, Affordability, Buy or Rent)

QS RealEstate offers integrated home affordability calculator, mortgage calculator and rent/buy calculator for quick estimates/analysis on various properties listed.

Track Your Listings

QS RealEstate helps you to keep track of your users listings using its integrated statistics. We bring you the total number of search views, detail page views and also the number of enquiries received for your users listings based on the time period, which help your users get an idea on how well their listings are doing in your script and assist them to decide on it accordingly.

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